Barnhart, John H. 1916. Segregation of genera in Lentibulariaceae. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 6: 39-64. f. 1-25.
Scientific Name
Latin Diagnosis - Herbae aquaticae, caulibus submersis foliosis, radicibus nullis. Folia alterna, dissecta, interdum radiciformia, sessilia et profunde 2-8-partita, itaque simulate opposita vel verticillata; segmenti dichotome vel pinnate dissecti, aliquot vel omnes ascidiiferi. Ascidia 2-rostrata, rostris saepe setiformibus et plus minus dissectis. Scapus squamatus vel esquamatus, I-multiflorus; squamae alternae, basifixae, vel interdum subverticillatae vel verticiUatae et ampulliformae; bracteae basifixae, interdum auriculatae; bracteolae nullae. Calyx 2-partitus; lobi concavi, herbacei. Corolla valde 2-labiata; palatum saepissime prominens, 2-lobatum; calcar subconicum vel saccatum. Antherae subglobosae. Capsula globosa. Semina plus minus peltata, margine alata vel non alata.
Species typica, Utricularia vulgaris L.
In the present revision about 75 species are left in Utricularia, and the genus as here defined is of world-wide distribution, one or more species being found in almost every region where quiet freshwater conditions occur, except in certain oceanic islands. Six or eight subgenera might be distinguished, and some of these eventually will deserve recognition as genera. The most noteworthy, perhaps, is Akentra Benj., with two species, one in tropical America, the other in tropical Africa; it is not spurless, as supposed by the author of the name, but enough is known of it to show the incongruity of its position in Utricularia. The other ampulla-bearing species represent several good subgenera, if not genera; and the long-styled, red-flowered species of tropical America may deserve generic recognition. But the treatment of these groups is deferred until another time.