Welsh, Stanley L. 1990. Utah novelties in Carex (Cyperaceae) and Lomatium (Umbelliferae). Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 64: 123-128.
Scientific Name
Genus Description - During the investigations of plants in peculiar wet cliff faces in Zion Canyon, Mr. Larry Hays called my attention to the presence of a curious dioecious sedge growing in detritus at the base of the cliffs. The plant at once is reminiscent of the similar and evidently allied Carex scirpoidea Michx., but is apparently most similar to the species known as C curatorum Stacey. The latter plant is known from similar wet sandstone habitats in northeastem Arizona and in southeastem Utah (Welsh et al., 1987). The spikes ofthe Zion Canyon plants are thicker than those of C. curatorum, and the perigynia average much longer and are distinctly narrower. The plants from Zion tend to have a second rudimentary spikelet at the base of the primary one. Basal leaf sheaths are noted as being puberulent in the protologue of C curatorum (Stacey, 1937). In the Zion plants the sheaths are smooth, lacking any kind of vesture. Because ofthe differences noted, especially the differences in the perigynia, so important in sedge classification, the Zion material is proposed as a new species. The name of the plant honors Mr. Larry Hayes, Resource Management specialist at Zion National Park. Mr. Hays epitomizes the best of values and aspirations of the National Park ideal. His work and help were responsible for discovery of this plant.