
  • Authority

    Holmgren, Patricia K. 1971. A biosystematic study of North America Thlaspi montanum and its allies. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 21: 1-106.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Thlaspi L.

  • Description

    Genus Description - Flowers few to many in a raceme at first often appearing corymbose; sepals 4, erect, non-saccate, acute to obtuse at the apex, green but often tinged with purple; petals 4, white to pink-purple, short to long-clawed, from as long to twice as long as the sepals; stamens 6, anthers purple or yellow; fruit an obcompressed (flattened contrary to the partition) dehiscent silicle, the valves keeled and usually wingmargined, oblanceolate to obcordate or obovate, the apex from rounded to emarginate and forming a shallow to deep notch; style slender, short to conspicuous, remaining on the persistent septum; seeds 2-several per locule, shghtly striate concentrically; cotyledons accumbent; annual or perennial usually glabrous herbs with simple, entire to dentate basal leaves, the cauline leaves sessile, auriculate-clasping, entire to dentate-margined.