Poa canbyi (Scribn.) Howell

  • Authority

    Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Poa canbyi (Scribn.) Howell

  • Description

    Species Description - Culms tufted, 4–10 dm, often purplish below, without rhizomes; lvs forming large basal rosettes 15–30 cm high, usually involute and 1–2.5(–3) mm wide, the few cauline ones 5–7 cm; ligule 3–5 mm; infl narrow and ± dense, (7–)9–16(–20) cm, with short, erect branches, at least some of which bear spikelets to near the base; spikelets 2–5-fld; glumes acuminate, often scabrous, the first lanceolate, 2.4–3.7 mm, the second oblong, 2.9–4.5 mm; lemmas 4–5.5 mm, obscurely 5-veined, scarcely keeled, crisp-puberulent on the lower half, sometimes more strongly so on the central and marginal veins, not webbed; rachilla usually finely puberulent at 30×; 2n=72–106. Dry soil; e. Que.; n. Mich. and Minn. to Man. and Neb., w. to Alas., Calif., and Tex.

  • Common Names
