
  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett. 1978. The botany of the Guayana Highland--part XI. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 32: 1-391.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name


  • Description

    Genus Description - Annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs. Leaves simple, variable. Flowers small, in axillary cymes or terminal, spike-like or paniculate inflorescences. Sepals small, subequal, obtuse to acuminate, not accrescent. Corollas funnelform, campanulate or rotate, or less commonly salverform, entire or lobed. Ovary ovoid to globose, 1-2-locular, each locule with 2 ovules. Styles 2, filiform, united at the base or free, each branch bifid; stigmas filiform or somewhat clavate. Capsules ovoid or globose, 1-4-seeded.

  • Discussion

    Evolvulus Linnaeus, Sp. PI. ed. 2. 391. 1762; Gen. PI. ed. 6. 152. 1764. Volvulopsis Roberty, Candollea 14: 28. 1952. Types species. Evolvulus nummularius (L.) L.