Diplopterys cabrerana (Cuatrec.) B.Gates

  • Authority

    Maguire, Bassett. 1978. The botany of the Guayana Highland--part XI. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 32: 1-391.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Diplopterys cabrerana (Cuatrec.) B.Gates

  • Description

    Species Description - Woody vine, the stems golden-sericeous to eventually glabrate. Lamina of the leaves (8.5-) 10-21 (-26) cm long, (3-)4.1-9 cm wide, elliptical, falcate, truncate at the base, long-acuminate at the apex with the acumen up to 3 cm long, coriaceous, glabrate above, sparsely sericeous below, the revolute margin bearing many minute impressed glands; petiole (4-)8-15(-22) mm long, sericeous to glabrate, bearing 2 large convex glands at the apex; stipules minute, triangular, often joined by an interpetiolar line. Inflorescence axillary, composed of 4-flowered umbels borne singly or in short racemes or condensed panicles, sericeous, the bracts and bracteoles (1.5-)2-3 mm long, lingulate, spreading. Pedicel 5-12 mm long, sessile, sparsely sericeous to glabrate. Sepals reflexed apically, the lateral 4 biglandular with the glands 1-1.8 mm long, the anterior eglandular or rarely bearing 1 gland. Petals yellow, sparsely sericeous abaxially in the middle of the limb, long-fimbriate, eglandular, the antero-lateral pair with the claw 1-1.5 mm long, the limb 7-8 mm long and wide, concave, the postero-lateral pair with the claw 0.5-1 mm long, the limb 5-7 mm long, 4-5.5 mm wide, broadly elliptical, flat, the posterior petal erect, the claw 2.5-3.5 mm long, constricted at the apex, the limb 4.4-5.5 mm long, 3-4.5 mm wide, obovate. Filaments 1.6-2.8 mm long, glabrous, up to 1/3 connate; anthers 0.8-1 mm long, the locules sparsely hairy to glabrate, those opposite the sepals with the connective broadly obovate and papiHose, those opposite the petals with the connective oblong and smooth to papillose. Styles 1.4-1.6 mm long, the anterior slightly shorter than the posterior 2, Straight and parallel or the posterior 2 diverging, bearing stiff straight hairs at the base, the stigmas capitate. Mericarp without a carpophore, sericeous, circular, the nut up to 15 mm long and wide, bearing a dorsal crest or winglet 1-5 mm wide and essentially 4 ridges or winglets on each side 0.5-10 mm wide, irregular, dissected and interconnected with transverse ridges.

  • Discussion

    Diplopterys cabrerana (Cuatrecasas) Gates, Brittonia 31: 109. 1979. Fig 34. Banisteriopsis cabrerana Cuatrecasas, Webbia 13(2): 493. 1958. Type. Schultes & Cabrera 17297, Caño Teemeeña, Rio Piraparana, Vaupes, Colombia, Sep flr (holotype US!). This plant is widely used by Indians, alone or with Banisteriopsis caapi, to make hallucinogenic drinks. It has commonly been misidentified as Banisteriopsis rusby ana, especially in the ethnobotanical literature. See the discussion by Dr. Bronwen Gates in her forthcoming monograph.

  • Distribution

    Distribution. Native in western Amazonia; widely cultivated as an hallucinogen. Apparently natural populations: VENEZUELA. Amazonas: selva tupida de rebalsa, Minisia, Rio Orinoco, arriba de San Fernando de Atabapo, elev 126 m, Apr frt, LI. Williams 14965 (A, US, VEN). COLOMBIA. Vaupes: Type, q v, & Schultes & Cabrera 17459, Sep imm flr (NY, US). BRAZIL. Amazonas: shore of creek Belem, Mun. Sao Paulo de Olivenga, Oct-Dec frt, Krukoff 8971 (A, MICH, MO, NY, US). Apparently cultivated populations:

    Venezuela South America| Colombia South America| Brazil South America| Ecuador South America|