Ackerman, James D. 1995. An orchid flora of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 73: 1-203.
Scientific Name
Genus Description - Plants sympodial, terrestrial. Roots fleshy, slender, produced from subterranean portion of stem. Tubers 1-2, spheroid Stems simple, erect, terete, leafy. Leaves nonarticulate, few to many, basal or cauline, sheathing, convolute, conduplicate, spirally arranged. Inflorescences terminal, a spike or raceme, many-flowered. Flowers resupinate. Dorsal sepal ovate, hoodlike; lateral sepals falcate. Petals entire to deeply lobed. Lip simple to deeply lobed, spurred. Column short, stout; lateral auricles conspicuous; stigmas 2, developed into processes; anther connective broad, anther sacs widely separated, their bases tubular; pollinia 2, sectile, clavate or pyriform, each attached to a separate caudicle and viscidium. Fruit a capsule.
Habenaria Willdenow, Sp. PL, ed. 4, 44. 1805. Type species. Habenaria macroceratitis Willdenow (= H. quinqueseta (Michaux) Swartz) of Florida (U.S.A.), Cuba, Jamaica, Mexico, Central America, and northern South America. A pantropical and subtropical genus of about 600 species. The generic name refers to the long, straplike divisions of the petals and the lip. Special Literature. Cogniaux, 1909-1910; O. Ames, 1910; Garay & Sweet, 1974.