Serjania ampelopsis G.Planch. & Linden ex G.Planch.

  • Authority

    Acevedo-Rodríguez, Pedro. 1993. Systematics of Serjania (Sapindaceae) Part I: A Revision of Serjania Sect. Platycoccus. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 67: 1-91.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Serjania ampelopsis G.Planch. & Linden ex G.Planch.

  • Type

    Type. Colombia. Norte de Santander: Prov. de Ocana, vie. Ocaiia, 1390 m, Oct 1850 (fl), Schlim 153 (lectotype, BR, here designated; isotypes, BR, F, K)

  • Description

    Species Description - Semi-woody climber to 5(-8) m long. Stems slender (ca. 5 mm in diam.), nearly terete, or 5- to 6-costate, glabrous, the young stems angular, cross section of stem with single stele, the medulla hollow. Stipules deltoid, ca. 1 mm long, usually covered with minute (to 0.3 mm long), whitish hairs. Leaves bitemate, 11-20 X 12-19 cm, all axes sparsely to densely covered with minute (to 0.35 mm long), whitish hairs; petioles not winged, terete and ridged at adaxial surface, (15-)2-6(-7) cm long; main rachis terete, margined, or narrowly winged, (1.5-)1.7-3.2(-4.2) cm long, the secondary rachises 0.5-2.5 cm long; leaflets chartaceous to membranous, lanceolate, elliptic, oval or ovate, 2-9(-12.5) x 1-3.5(-7) cm, the terminal leaflet larger, the apex acuminate or abmptly acuminate, the base attenuate, obtuse or rounded in terminal leaflet, oblique and shortly petiolulate in lateral leafletsleaflets, the upper surface glabrous except for few hairs on veins, covered with whitish, mucilaginous dots, the lower surface lighter (because of whitish glandular projections), with dark network of tertiary veins, glabrous or sparsely covered with minute (0.3-0.5 mm long), whitish hairs, the margins revolute, ciliate, entire or remotely dentate to sub-sinuate, the veins brochidodromus or mixed craspedodromus, the primary and secondary veins slightly raised on both surfaces. Inflorescence 10-20(-35) cm long, usually longer than subtending leaves; axis 4-12 cm long, glabrous, almost terete; rachis angular, striate, densely or sparsely covered with minute (to 0.15 mm long), whitish, inflexed hairs; bracts and bracteoles lanceolate, 1 -2.5 mm long, with same indument as rachis; cincinni opposite, subopposite or altemate, the peduncle 0.5-1.4(-2.5) cm long, glabrous or densely covered with minute (to 0.15 mm long), white hairs, 4- to 5(9-)-flowered, the lower peduncles longer, pedicels 2-5 mm long, slightly flattened, with same indument as peduncle, articulate at 1-2.5 mm from base; bracteoles narrowly deltoid, 0.5 mm long, close lo pedicel articulation. Flowers with sepals 5, the outer sepals 2-3.5 mm long, ovate, obtuse at apex, sparsely covered on abaxial surface with minute (to 0.1 mm long), whitish hairs, ciliate at margins, the inner sepals 3-5 mm long, oblong-ovate, densely covered with minute (to 0.1 mm long), whitish hairs, the third and fifth sepals free or connate to half their length; petals white, obovate, clawed, 4-5.5(-7) mm long, with minute papillae on adaxial surface; appendages 3-5 mm long, with densely hairy margins, the central appendages hood-shaped, with fleshy crown-shaped apex, the lateral appendages not fleshy, asymmetric, with outer side bent over disk glands; disk glands four, the central glands 1-1.2 mm long, ovale to oblong-ovate and obtuse at apex, the lateral glands 1 mm long, oblong to rounded, laterally adnate to enlarged torus; filaments sparsely to densely covered with minute (0.2-0.3 mm long), whitish, inflexed hairs, the anthers 0.75 mm long; ovary elliptic to oblong in outline, sparsely to densely covered with minute, whitish hairs; style 0.5-0.8 mm long, the stigmata papillose. Fruits 3-4.2 x 3 cm, ovate to oblong, chartaceous, glabrous, the apex notched, the base cordate; locules lenticular, flat, with network of slightly raised, dark veins, not-crested or slightly crested; wings glabrous, with slightly constricted outline below locule. Seeds dark brown, lenticular, 6-7 x 5.0-5.6 mm; embryo symmetrical in ftDntal plane, the adaxial cotyledon smaller and biplicate, the abaxial cotyledon larger and curved.

    Distribution and Ecology - Distribution and Phenology. Serjania ampelopsis has been collected in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina (Fig. 41). It occurs in humid to semi-dry forests as well as open or disturbed areas from sea level to 2130 m elevation. It flowers from April to January and fruits from May to December.

  • Discussion

    Figs. 15e; 18c; 45. Serjania areolata Radlkofer, Erganz. Monogr. Serjania 87. 1886. Type. Bolivia. La Paz: Nor Yungas, vic. Coroico, 5000-7000 ft. May 1866 (fl), Pearce s.n. (holotype, K). Field observations. The stems of S. ampelopsis produce a watery (not milky) exudate when cut, and the inflorescences are pendulous. Serjania areolata was separated from S. ampelopsis by Radlkofer because of its larger flowers with the third and fifth sepals free ftom one anotiier, and its glabrescent parts. These differences break down when additional material is studied. Serjania areolata represents the extreme in variation in tiiese characters and, therefore, I consider it a synonym of 5. ampelopsis. Serjania ampelopsis does not seem to be clearly related to any member of S. sect Platycoccus except for S. communis, with which it shares many vegetative characters. Serjania ampelopsis might represent a vicariant species which evolved from isolated populations of S. communis after tiie geologically recent uplift of the Andes. The name ampelopsis means grapevine-like and refers to tiie climbing habit of this species.