Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske

  • Authority

    Hedenäs, Lars. 2003. Amblystegiaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 89: 1--107. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske

  • Type

    Type. Germany. Sachsen: Chemnitz s.n. (lectotype, G, designated by Hedenäs, 1989b).

  • Synonyms

    Harpidium carguairazense Spruce, Hypnum uncinatum Hedw., Drepanocladus uncinatus (Hedw.) Warnst.

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants medium-sized to large; green or yellowish green. Stem usually ± pinnately branched; pseudoparaphyllia broad; axillary hairs with 1-7-celled upper part, this hyaline when young. Stem leaves circinate or falcate (gradually curved), rarely ± straight, lanceolate from rounded-triangular or ovate base, plicate or strongly plicate (outside the area occasionally smooth), concave; apex long- or very long-acuminate; margin denticulate or finely denticulate above; costa single, ending in acumen; median laminal cells 28.0-110.0 × (3.0-)3.5-6.5(-7.0) µm, thin-walled and eporose to slightly incrassate and porose; cells near leaf apex occasionally with distal ends prorate on back, otherwise smooth; alar cells hyaline, thin-walled and mostly strongly inflated; alar group transverse-triangular, making a ± abrupt transition to supra-alar cells; supra-alar cells quadrate or rectangular, thin-walled or slightly incrassate, forming a group as large as to much smaller than alar group. Inner perichaetial leaves narrowing gradually to very long-acuminate apex. Exostome outside cross-striolate in lower part. Spores 10.5-17.5 µm, finely papillose.

  • Discussion

    Sanionia uncinata was reported from Mexico, Colombia, and Ecuador by Churchill (1994), Churchill & Linares (1995), Delgadillo et al. (1995), and Sharp et al. (1994). The only specimen seen from the West Indies was originally identified as Cratoneuron filicinum, and on the label it is written "from Swartz"; there is no exact information on locality. Buck (1998) did not report S. uncinata from the West Indies. Considering the meagre information on the label of the specimen and the lack of later finds confirming its presence in the West Indies, the origin of the material is somewhat doubtful. The species is usually easy to recognize by its plicate, strongly falcate to circinate leaves that narrow gradually to a usually very long and narrow acumen. If the shoots are studied from the dorsal side, the leaves turn alternately left and right, often giving an impression of being nicely combed. The alar cells are well developed and form relatively small transverse-triangular groups (Fig. 38B, E), and the stem is surrounded by a complete hyalodermis. Sporophytes are relatively frequent, and when present the plicate, very long-acuminate inner perichaetial leaves are diagnostic.

    Distribution and Ecology: Mexico (3400-4415 m a.s.l.), Colombia (2740-3950 m), and Ecuador (3350-100 m). Common also in southern S America. Widespread in large parts of the world but in tropical areas mainly on some higher mountains, in N America, Eurasia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Antarctica. This species may occur in fens, but is more common on various substrates in humid to wet forests and on the ground or on rocks in humid or wet grasslands.

  • Distribution

    Mexico North America| México Mexico North America| Puebla Mexico North America| Veracruz Mexico North America| Colombia South America| Antioquia Colombia South America| Boyacá Colombia South America| Caldas Colombia South America| Cauca Colombia South America| Cundinamarca Colombia South America| Nariño Colombia South America| Ecuador South America| Azuay Ecuador South America| Carchi Ecuador South America| Chimborazo Ecuador South America| Cotopaxi Ecuador South America| Napo Ecuador South America| Pichincha Ecuador South America|