Polypremum L.

  • Authority

    Norman, E. M. 2000. Buddlejaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 81: 1-225. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Polypremum L.

  • Type

    Type species. Polypremum procumbens L. Name meaning many stems.

  • Synonyms

    Cleyera Adans.

  • Description

    Genus Description - Herb, perennial, procumbent to ascendingly branched from a central crown. Leaves opposite, linear, slightly scabrid, joined basally by a transverse membrane. Flowers 4-merous, sessile in terminal leafy cymes. Calyx divided to near base, lobes lanceolate with hyaline margins. Corolla shorter than calyx, rotate, with a ring of moniliform hairs in throat. Stamens included, filaments about as long as anthers. Ovary 2-celled, partly inferior, laterally compressed, style short, stigma capitate, ovules anatropous on placentae attached at the base of septum. Capsule ellipsoid with persistent style, loculicidal, later septicidal. Seeds light yellow, small, angular, cuboidal, smooth, endosperm thick, fleshy, embryo straight.

  • Distribution

    A monotypic weedy genus found in northern South America, Central America, West Indies, Mexico and eastern and southern United States. Outlying collections known from Paraguay, Hawaii, and several islands of Micronesia.

    South America| Central America| West Indies| Mexico North America| United States of America North America| Paraguay South America| Oceania|