Cedrelinga cateniformis (Ducke) Ducke
Creator(s): B. Angell
Description: Fig. 19. Illustration of Cedrelinga cateniformis (Ducke) Ducke. A. Habit. B. Leaf-nectary. C. Flower. D. Fruit and seed. (A, B,*C drawn from, SEF 8949\ D drawn from Neill 7131 (both NY).
Rights: Rights reside with creator, otherwise property of NYBG.
Rupert C. Barneby
Barneby, Rupert C. & Grimes, James W. 1996. Silk tree, guanacaste, monkey's earring: a generic system for the synandrous Mimosaceae of the Americas. Part I. Abarema, Albizia, and allies. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 74: 1-292.
Scientific Name
"Ad ripas paludosas rivulorum silvestrium prope Oriximina ad flumen Trombetas inferius, 2-III- 1915, H[erb]. A[maz]. M[us]. P[araense] 15.704, et prope Obidos, 6-III-1915, n. 15.710; specimina omnia fructifera, ab A. Ducke lecta." — Syntypi, P!, RB!; isos
Species Description - Macrophyllidious trees of potentially great stature, fertile at 30-60(-66) m, with long simple, smooth but vertically furrowed, reddish trunk buttressed at base and to 1-2, exceptionally somewhat >3 m dbh, the emergent crown relatively narrow, the young branchlets and axes of inflorescence densely minutely brown-puberulent, the foliage glabrous subconcolorous, the broad, stiffly papery lfts lustrous olivaceous above, duller but scarcely paler beneath, reticulate on both faces but less sharply so dorsally, the inflorescence a terminal, seemingly efoliate panicle of pseudoracemose capitula biseriately fasciculate in the axil of inhibited lvs, the whole panicle shorter than the developed upper lvs. Stipules 0 (no scars). Lf-formula ii—iii/2—4(—5), the lfts 20-36 per lf; lf-stks (6.5-)8-16(-22) cm, obscurely sulcate ventrally, the petiole including firm pulvinus (3-)4—8 cm, at middle ±2-3 mm diam, the 1 or the longer of 2 interpinnal segments (3-)4-7.5 cm; petiolar nectaries at or close below insertion of each pinna-pair, low-convex and wrinkled or sunk into epidermis and amorphous, 2.55 mm diam, similar but smaller nectaries between furthest 1-2 pairs of lfts; pinnae a little accrescent distally, the rachis of longer ones 6—12(—16.5) cm, the 1 or the longer of 2-3 interfoliolar segments (2-)2.5- 5 cm; lf-pulvinules livid wrinkled (3.5-)4—7 x 0.8-1.5 mm; lfts a little or distinctly accrescent distally, asymmetrically ovate or ovate-elliptic from postically cuneate, antically broader and rounded base, shortly bluntly acuminate, the distal pair 7—12(—13) x 3.5-5.7 cm, 1.8-2.6 times as long as wide; venation pinnate, the gently retro-arcuate midrib slightly displaced backward from midblade, giving rise on each side to (4-)5-6 major secondary nerves widely incurved-ascending to weak anastomosis close within the plane, somewhat thickened margin and to numerous crowded, more widely divergent and much finer intercalary nerves, these in turn generating a fine polygonal reticulum of veinlets. Primary axis of panicle or of its longer pseudoracemose branches ±1-1.5 dm; peduncles 2-6 per node, the longest of a fascicle 5-16 mm; capitula hemispherical, densely 8-20-fld, the receptacle 1-2 mm; bracts ovate or obovate-spatulate 0.3-0.7 mm, puberulent, persistent; fls all sessile, homomorphic, the 5-merous perianth greenish white (brunnescent when dried), glabrous except for minutely ciliolate calyx-teeth and sometimes papillate tip of corolla-lobes; calyx short- campanulate 1-1.4 x 1.1-1.3 mm, the depressed- deltate teeth 0.2-0.25 mm; corolla 4-4.6 mm, the lobes ovate ±1 x 0.9 mm at early anthesis, later separating more deeply, finally free beyond the stemonozone; androecium whitish, 24—30-merous, 9-11 mm, the stemonozone ±0.5 mm, the tube 1.4—2.4 mm; no intrastaminal disc; ovary shortly stipitate, ellipsoid, abruptly conic at apex; style (in random fls short, nonfunctional) a little longer than longest stamens, dilated to ±0.2 mm diam at the stigma. Pods 1 per capitulum, pendulous, lomentiform, in profile broad- linear but deeply constricted between each of the 2-5(-6) very large piano-compressed 1-seeded articles, the whole fruit 2-7 dm long, each segment oblong-elliptic 10—15(—17) x (3.3-)3.5-6 cm, and the isthmi 3-18 mm wide, the whole body twisted through ±90° at each isthmus but plane and straight between them, the pale green, when ripe papery and brownish stramineous, glabrous, sinuously venulose valves framed by relatively slender sutures, adherent to each other except where low-convex (and often discolored and more emphatically venulose) over the seeds; dehiscence 0, the 1-seeded segments (resembling whole pods of Platymiscium) breaking apart by transverse fission at the isthmi and shed individually; seeds descending at middle of pod, disciform, in broad outline elliptic 25-32 x 14-18 mm (orbicular 10-11 mm diam), ±1.5 mm thick, the thin dry translucent, when ripe fragile testa loosely investing the livid embryo; pleurogram 0.
Distribution and Ecology - In either wet or seasonally dry, primeval forest, especially along streams, 50-250m, and in prae-Andean Peru, up to 800 m, scattered through equatorial latitudes from the Amazon delta region and lower reaches of major tributary streams in Pará, Brazil, westward to the upper Río Napo in Ecuador, the upper Huallaga and middle Ucayali in Peru, in Brazil S to W Acre and NW Mato Grosso, and N into Surinam (Bigi Poika, Maripston road, not mapped), French Guiana (Saul), and Venezuelan Guayana (on Río Negro just into Amazonas, and on Río Canaracuni near 4°30'N in state of Bolívar). — Map 62. — Fl. IV-V; X-XII, the record very likely incomplete.
Local Names and Uses - Chuncho (Quichua of Napo); huayracaspi, tornillo, tornillo rosado (Peru); cedrorana (Brazil, from resemblance of smooth reddish trunk to that of Cedrela); iacaiacá (Río Negro in Brazil); cachicana, mure, guaura (Venezuela); don-ceder (Surinam). The wood is like that of Cedrela but spongier, malodorous when worked, used in boat-building.
Common Names
Chuncho, huayracaspi, tornillo, tornillo rosado, cedrorana, iacaiacá, cachicana, mure, guaura, don-ceder
Saül French Guiana South America| Suriname South America| Amazonas Venezuela South America| Bolívar Venezuela South America| Ucayali Peru South America| Loreto Peru South America| Ecuador South America| Acre Brazil South America| Amazonas Brazil South America| Pará Brazil South America| Mato Grosso Brazil South America|