Juncus debilis A.Gray
Balslev, Henrik. 1996. Juncaceae. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 68: 1-167. (Published by NYBG Press)
Scientific Name
Type. U.S.A. New York: Buffalo Creek, Kinnicut & Gray s.n., n.v.
Juncus radicans Schltdl., Juncus acuminatus var. debilis Michx.
Species Description - Perennial, loosely cespitose, delicate herbs, 1550 cm tall. Rhizome densely branching, clustered, ca. 1 mm diam. Culms erect or ascending, 0.5-1 mm diam., terete, smooth. Cataphylls absent or inconspicuous. Foliar leaves 1-2 basal and 1-2 cauline to each culm, 5-20 cm long; sheaths 1-5 cm long, with scariose margins terminating in two 1 mm long, rounded auricles; blade ca. 1 mm diam., straight or sometimes ascending, round to elliptic in x.s., the base slightly compressed, septate. Inflorescence up to 4 x branched and 15 x 10 cm, flower heads up to 50, in anthelate arrangement, each head 2-10-flowered, the ultimate head bearing branches ca. 0.3 mm diam. Lower inflorescence bract usually less than 1/3 as long as the inflorescence, resembling a small cauline leaf, distal bracts scale-like, scariose, floral bracts scariose, ca. 1.5 mm long. Tepals subequal, lanceolate, acute but not acuminate, green to stramineous, outer tepals 2.2-2.8 mm, concave, inner tepals 2.3-2.5 mm, flat. Stamens 3, ca. 1.5 mm long; anthers oblong ca. 0.5 mm long. Capsule narrowly ovoid, acute and short apiculate, trigonous, ca. 3 x 1 mm and obviously longer than the tepals, light brown, unilocular. Seeds ellipsoid, apiculate, ca. 0.4 x 0.2 mm, reticulate, yellowish brown.
Juncus debilis is distributed in E North America from Connecticut to Florida, Texas, Tennessee, and Missouri. It occurs disjunctly in Mexico and Honduras.
Mexico North America| Chiapas Mexico North America| Honduras Central America| Morazán Honduras Central America|