Dacryodes edilsonii Daly
Burseraceae (Magnoliophyta)
Scientific Name
Dacryodes edilsonii Daly
Primary Citation
Dacryodes edilsonii, a new species from southwestern Amazonia. Studies in neotropical Burseraceae. XII.
Brittonia 57: 118--122. 2005 -
Type Specimens
Specimen 1: Isotype -- D. C. Daly 11917
Plant Description: Tree, reproductive size 28-35 m x 49-100 cm. Trunk sometimes fluted at base. Bark pale gray, shallowly scalloped, densely lenticellate, shed in large thin irregular plates; inner bark light tan, brittle. Resin scant, somewhat milky, drying in sticky cream-colored globules, flammable. Trichomes of five types: flexuous golden hairs to 0.6 mm long; thick, appressed golden hairs to 0.1 mm; fine, erect white hairs to 0.05 - 0.15) mm ("bristles"); golden snail-shaped glands; and erect golden hairs to 0.25 mm. Leaves 4-6-jugate, 17.8 - 34.5 cm long; petiole 3.8 - 8 cm x 2.6-3.8 mm; interjuga 1.9 - 2.5 cm long, petiole and rachis with sparse to dense bristles, usually dense appressed hairs, sparse to scattered flexuous hairs, and sparse to dense glands; lateral petiolules robust and shallowly canaliculate, 0.3-0.8 cm long, swollen at base but distal pulvinulus not apparent; terminal petiolule 0.8 - 1.8 cm long and pulvinulate distally; leaflets coriaceous, drying tan to brown abaxially, glossy grayish-brown adaxially; basal leaflets 5.1 - 9.5 x 2.7 - 5.3 cm, ovate, other laterals 6.5 - 13.5 x 2.4 - 7.2 cm, (broadly) oblong-elliptic, elliptic, slightly oblanceolate or slightly (ob)ovate, the terminal leaflet 6 - 8.9 x 3 - 4.8 cm, slightly obovate, slightly oblanceolate or elliptic, apex abruptly to gradually short-acuminate, acumen 0.6-1.3 cm long, base of laterals oblique, the basiscopic side obtuse to acute and slightly decurrent, the acroscopic side truncate and slightly decurrent; margin usually slightly revolute; leaflet abaxial surface with midvein and secondary veins acutely prominent, rest of veins prominulous, abaxially the midvein with sparse to dense bristles to 0.15 mm long, sparse to dense appressed hairs, and dense to scattered long hairs to 0.6 mm long, secondary veins with scattered to dense bristles and scattered glands, also sometimes with scattered to sparse erect, golden hairs, rest of blade with scattered to dense glands and sometimes scattered to sparse erect, golden hairs; adaxial surface with midvein narrowly prominulous but sunk in a groove, rest of veins prominulous, adaxially the midvein glabrous or provided near the base with sparse to dense bristles and sparse glands and sometimes with sparse flexuous hairs, rest of adaxial surface glabrous or with a few scattered glands; the margin usually with scattered bristles and glands.
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