
  • Family

    Ochnaceae (Magnoliophyta)

  • Scientific Name


  • Description

    Number of genera: 30

    Number of species: 400

    Description (from PLANTAE): Trees or shrubs. Stipules usually present, extrapetiolar, caducous or persistent. Monoecious. Calcium oxylate crystals often present. Leaves alternate, simple; blades often coriaceous, the margins dentate or entire; venation fine. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, panicles, racemes, cymes, fascicled, or solitary in leaf axils; flowers bisexual, usually actinomorphic, small or large, often yellow; perianth 2-seriate, the sepals usually 5 (sometimes 2), distinct or basally connate, usually imbricate, the petals usually 5, distinct; androecium hypogynous, the stamens 5, 10 or many, distinct, the anthers 2-celled, basifixed, dehiscing by a lateral or terminal pores, rarely slits; gynoecium apocarpous (seemingly) or syncarpous, the carpels 2-5 (sometimes 3-10), the style 1, the stigmas 1, usually discoid. Fruit drupaceous, usually on an enlarged torus, the carpels separating into distinct fleshy cocci, rarely a capsule.

    Distribution (from PLANTAE): Pantropical

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