Acerates tomentosa Torr.

  • Family

    Apocynaceae (Magnoliophyta)

  • Scientific Name

    Acerates tomentosa Torr.

  • Primary Citation

    Rep. U.S. Mex. Bound., Bot. 160. 1858

  • Type Specimens

    Specimen 1: Type -- C. Perry

    Specimen 2: Type -- C. Perry

  • Description

    Latin diagnosis: Acerates (Anantherix) tomentosa (n. sp.): albo-lanata; caule erecto simplici; foliis ovatis acutis sessilibus basi rotundatis v. cordato-amplexicaulibus; umbellis sessilibus plurifloris; gynostegio sessili; cucullis suborbicularis saccatis apertis lateraliter compressis.

    Additional text from protologue: (TABo XLIV ) Mountains east of San Diego, California, June; Parry. San Isabel, in the same State; Thurber. We have also specimens collected by the Rev. Mr. Fitch, in some part of California. Stem 2-3 feet high. Lower leaves 4-5 inches long, and nearly 3 inches wide, usually clasping at the base. Umbels 3-4, in the axils of the upper leaves, 8-12-flowered; pedicels 1-1/2 inch long, very densely clothed with white wool. Flowers a third larger than in Asclepias Cornuti, " of a chocolate-purple color." (Parry.) Petals ovate, reflexed, woolly externally. Hoods of the crown nearly orbicular, spreading, without any trace of a spur, the margin otf the orifice entire and introflexed. The horny wings of the anthers almost rectangular at the base. Follicles oblong-lanceolate, downy. This is a remarkable species, belonging rather to the subgenus Anantherix than to Acerates proper.

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