Schaueria azaleiflora Rusby
Acanthaceae (Magnoliophyta)
Scientific Name
Schaueria azaleiflora Rusby
Primary Citation
Type Specimens
Specimen 1: Type -- O. E. White 990
Floras and Monographs
Schaueria azaleiflora Rusby: [Article] Rusby, Henry H. 1927. Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Plants Collected on the Mulford Biological Exploration of the Amazon Valley 1921-1922. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 205-387.
Schaueria azaleiflora Rusby: [Article] Wasshausen, Dieter C. & Wood, John R. I. 2004. Acanthaceae of Bolivia. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 49: 1-152.