
  • Family

    Dilleniaceae (Magnoliophyta)

  • Scientific Name


  • Common Names

    Dillenia Family

  • Description

    Number of genera: 10

    Number of species: 350

    Description (from PLANTAE): Lianas or shrubs, sometimes trees, rarely herbs. Dioecious or monoecious. Bark sometimes papery, reddish and shedding. Stems sometimes with anomalous secondary growth (concentric cambial rings). Stipules absent (aralate and sheathing petioles sometimes described as stipules). Leaves alternate, simple, often deciduous; blades often scabrous, the margins often toothed; venation pinnate, the secondary veins usually parallel and often ending in glandular teeth. Inflorescences. Flowers bisexual or unisexual, rarely large and showy, actinomorphic or slightly zygomorphic; perianth biseriate, the sepals 4 or 5, sometimes unequal, imbricate, often persistent, the petals 5 or fewer, imbricate, often crumpled in bud; androecium hypogynous, the stamens numerous, distinct or variously fasciculate basally, the anthers 2-celled, dehiscing be apical pores or longitudinally; gynoecium apocarpous (rarely solitary), superior, the carpels 1-many, the locules 1 per carpel, the placentation parietal but sometimes appearing basal, the ovules 1 or more, the styles as many as the carpels, distinct. Fruits follicles or berrylike. Seeds with copious fleshy endosperm, the embryo minute, the pericarp often with lacerated aril.

    Distribution (from PLANTAE): Tropical and subtropical, best developed in southeast Asia and Australia.

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