Austroboletus proximus

  • Family

    Boletaceae (Basidiomycota)

  • Scientific Name

    Austroboletus proximus

  • Description

    Status: A provisional name for an Austroboletus that occurs in Western Australia, Victoria and Queensland.

    Disposition: Sometimes mistakenly called Austroboletus lacunosus, but lacks that amygdaliform spore shape with coarse ornamentation about the equatorial region.

    Diagnostics: Typically the pileus is dry, tomentose, and a brownish orange. The stipe is white above, coarsely alveolate-reticulate and usually has or will develop yellow to red stains at the base. The subfusiform spores are finely ornamented (light microscope), and are clearly covered overall with meandering ridges and grooves and occasional pits. HOWEVER, the plage is SMOOTH. Compare to A. asper which has spores with a finer ornamentation overall.

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