Macromitrium obtusum Mitt.

  • Family

    Orthotrichaceae (Bryophyta)

  • Scientific Name

    Macromitrium obtusum Mitt.

  • Primary Citation

    J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 12: 201. 1869

  • Type Specimens

    Specimen 1: Syntype -- R. Spruce 111

    Specimen 2: Syntype -- R. Spruce 111

    Specimen 3: Lectotype -- R. Spruce 111

    Specimen 4: Syntype -- R. Spruce 111

    Specimen 5: Syntype -- R. Spruce s.n.

    Specimen 6: Syntype -- L. C. M. Richard s.n.

    Specimen 7: Syntype -- R. Spruce s.n.

    Specimen 8: Syntype -- R. Spruce s.n.

    Specimen 9: Type -- Collector unspecified s.n.

    Remarks: slide of type material (need to verify collection)

  • Sorry, no descriptions available for this record.