Gymnogaster boletoides J.W.Cribb

  • Family

    Boletaceae (Basidiomycota)

  • Scientific Name

    Gymnogaster boletoides J.W.Cribb

  • Primary Citation

    The Gasteromycetes of Queensland. II. Secotiaceae.
    Pap. Dept. Bot. Univ. Queensland 3: 110. 1956

  • Description

    Protologue: Globosus depressus, 2.5 cm latus, 2.2 cm altus (stipito exc!uso), apice depresso, apice stipiti rotundato, projectanto, baso lcviter effodeto, flavus, apico stipiti russo; peridio nullo; stipito flavo, intus albo, projectanto, 4-5 mm longo, 7 mm crasso, fastigato, solido, levo; columella alba, aequa, 7 mm crassa, prorsus adhaerenta; gleba cellulata, pallida brunnea, cellulis labyrinthiformibus, usque ad 1 mm; tramis 50-70 µm crassis, hyphis laxiter textis; sporis ellipticis vel ovatis, brunneis, levis, 9.5-13 x 5.6-7.0 µm.

    Commentary: Cribb noted originally the striking similarity to members of the Boletaceae. Firstly, there is the obvious cyanescence, and the pigmentation of the stipe and remainder of the pileal disc. Secondly, the convoluted hymenophore appears to be somewhat subporoid and tends toward a greeenish yellow color.

    Type: In silvam, Mt. Glorious, Queensland, 19.ii.1955, J. W. Cribb (BRI).

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