Boletus robustus Frost non Fr.

  • Description

    Nomenclature: Boletus robustus Frost non Fries, Nova Acta Regiae Soc. Sci. Upsal. III, 1: 46. 1851 [= Boletus eximius Peck, nom. nov., J. Mycol. 3: 54. 1887.]

    Protologue: Pileus at first globose, then pulvinate, large, 3 to 10 inches broad and 1 to 1 1/2 inches thick, chocolate color, fleshy, and so succulent that it is difficult to dry and preserve. Tubes long, perhaps of a lighter color than pileus, when young and in fresh specimens with a purple tinge, especially at the margin. Stem robust, reddish chocolate, very minutely scurfy, even, tapering suddenly at base. Flesh reddish white. Spores .0147-.0084 m.m. In woods. June and July.

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