Hyocomium ruginosum Mitt.

  • Family

    Hypnaceae (Bryophyta)

  • Scientific Name

    Hyocomium ruginosum Mitt.

  • Primary Citation

    Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Botany, Series 2 3: 177. 1891

  • Type Specimens

    Specimen 1: Lectotype -- James Bissett s.n.

    Specimen 2: Probable syntype -- W. Griffith 89

    Specimen 3: Syntype -- W. Bell s.n.

    Specimen 4: Syntype -- W. Griffith 89

    Specimen 5: Syntype -- W. Griffith 89, 471

    Specimen 6: Syntype -- W. Griffith 92

    Specimen 7: Possible lectotype -- James Bissett s.n.

    Specimen 8: Not a type -- Collector unspecified s.n.

    Specimen 9: Not a type -- W. S. C. Pinwill s.n.

    Specimen 10: Drawing - possibly of type -- Collector unspecified s.n.

  • Sorry, no descriptions available for this record.