Miconia colliculosa Almeda

  • Family

    Melastomataceae (Magnoliophyta)

  • Scientific Name

    Miconia colliculosa Almeda

  • Description

    Description Author and Date: Frank Almeda, based on Almeda, F. (2009). Melastomataceae. In: G. Davidse, M. Sousa-Sânchez, S. Knapp, & F. Chiang (eds.), Flora Mesoamericana: Cucurbitaceae a Polemoniaceae. 4(1): 164-338.

    Type: Holotype: Costa Rica, Herrera 3129 (CAS!).

    Description: Shrub or small tree 2-6 m tall, the uppermost cauline internodes, petioles, inflorescences, pedicels, and hypanthia densely covered with brown stalked-stellate and/or coarse dendritic hairs. Leaves of a pair equal to somewhat unequal in size; blades 5(-7)-plinerved, the innermost pair of elevated primaries diverging from the median vein in subopposite or alternate fashion 0.5-1.6 cm above the blade base, 9.5-19 X 4.2-10.6 cm, elliptic-ovate, apex acuminate, base obtuse to broadly rounded, oblique and then slightly decurrent on the petioles, margin undulate-denticulate varying to subentire, adaxially glabrous at maturity, abaxially copiously covered with stalked-stellate hairs on the elevated primary veins and a moderate cover of stellate hairs on the network of trans¬verse secondary and higher order veins, petioles 0.7-1.5 cm long. Inflorescence paniculiform, 4-8 cm long, terminal but sometimes appearing pseudolateral because of elongation of axillary shoots; flowers 5-merous, sessile or on pedicels to 0.25 mm long; bracts linear-oblong, 2-4 X 0.25-1 mm; bracteoles persistent, typically 3 per pedicel, linear-oblong, 1-3 mm long. Calyx tube 0.5 mm long, the calyx lobes ovate to suborbicular, often bluntly mucronate at the apex, stellulate-puberulent on both surfaces, 1-1.5 X 1.5-2 mm; exterior calyx teeth subulate, 1.5-2 mm long and conspicuously exceeding the calyx lobes. Petals white, glabrous, oblong-obovate, 3-4 X 1.5-2 mm. Anthers isomorphic, 1 mm long, yellow, laterally compressed, bluntly subulate in dorsal and ventral views, ± elliptic in profile view, truncate apically with a dorsally inclined pore; connective thickened dorsally but unappendaged. Style glabrous, 3.25 mm long; stigma capitellate; ovary (at anthesis) 5-locular, completely inferior, apex fluted but becoming ± rounded at maturity, apically crowned with an undulately lobed collar 0.25 mm high that is minutely glandular-puberulent along the rim. Berry 4-5 X 4-5 mm. Seeds ± triangular in outline, angulate varying to somewhat rounded on the convex face, the testa colliculate throughout, 0.5 mm long.

    Habitat and Distribution: Rain forest. 150-350 m. COSTA RICA ( known only from the type); PANAMA (Almeda et al. 6514, CAS). (Endemic).

    Notes: [Description based only on Mesoamerican specimens.]

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