Miconia tuberculata (Naudin) Triana

  • Family

    Melastomataceae (Magnoliophyta)

  • Scientific Name

    Miconia tuberculata (Naudin) Triana

  • Description

    Description Author and Date: Nichole M. Tiernan, July 2013, as modified for the PBI Miconiaea project.

    Description: Shrub or bush, 1.5-6 m. Young stems terete, pubescent with elongated trichomes 0.6-2.4 mm, internodes longitudinal ridges absent, nodal line absent, Leaves isophyllous; petiole 0.5-4.3 cm long, densely pubescent with elongated trichomes 0.6-3.0 mm; the blade 8.7-16.6 x 4.1-8.8(-11.1) cm, ovate to elliptic ovate, bullate, the apex gradually acuminate, the base rounded to sub-cordate, the margin ciliate with reddish-pink hairs 0.5-1.6 mm; secondary veins 3 pairs including faint marginals, basally nerved, symmetrical, tertiary veins percurrent, quaternary veins reticulate, areoles 1.2-2.8 mm wide, veins flat on the adaxial surface and raised on the abaxial surface; adaxial surface bullate, the surface pubescent with bulla-based trichomes without enations 0.9-1.6 mm, and pubescent with elongated trichomes 1.5-2.9 mm on the primary and secondary veins; abaxial surface pale green, pubescent with elongated trichomes 0.7-1.4 mm, pubescent on the veins with elongated trichomes 0.5-1.1 mm. Inflorescences a terminal, panicle, 5.5-7.8 cm long; peduncles terete, pale green and red, pubescent with elongated trichomes 0.6-1.7 mm; bracts caducous; bracteoles 0.8-2.0 x 0.2-0.3 mm, lanceolate, persistent, pubescent with elongated trichomes. Flowers (7)-8-merous, diplostemonous, pedicel 0-6.3 mm long pubescent with elongated trichomes. Hypanthium 3-5 mm long, campanulate, 4.2-5.9 mm wide at torus, external surface pubescent with elongated trichomes with subbullate base 1.1-1.8 mm long, internal surface glabrous, androecial fringe absent. Calyx closed in bud, rupturing irregularly, the tube 1 mm long at anthesis; calyx teeth, when present, are stout projections 0.5-0.7 x 0.2-0.3 mm. Petals-8, 7.5-14.5 x 4.5-8 mm, obovate, spreading, white at anthesis (drying brown), glabrous, the apex rounded to very broadly lobed, the base truncate and tapering slightly, the margin entire. Stamens, isomorphic, flexed to one side of the flower at anthesis; filament 4-6.1 mm long, glabrous, white, anthers with 2 locules, thecae 4-5.5 x 0.7-1 mm, straight, connective prolonged 0.1 mm, opening by 1 upright 0.25 mm pore, yellow at anthesis, connective slightly darker yellow, glabrous. Ovary 8-locular, the apex absent a corona; style 4-10 mm long, stright, white, glabrous; stigma capitate, apex glandular, 1.3-1.8 mm wide. Berries 4.9-10 x 4.2-11.6 mm, ovoid, greenish red, pubescence persistent when mature, calyx persistence.

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