Leandra mexicana (Naudin) Cogn.
Melastomataceae (Magnoliophyta)
Scientific Name
Leandra mexicana (Naudin) Cogn.
Primary Citation
Description Author and Date: Frank Almeda, based on Almeda, F. (2009). Melastomataceae. In: G. Davidse, M. Sousa-Sânchez, S. Knapp, & F. Chiang (eds.), Flora Mesoamericana: Cucurbitaceae a Polemoniaceae. 4(1): 164-338.
Description: Shrub 1-3 m tall, the branchlets, petioles, and inflorescences beset with a moderate to dense mixture of spreading glandular and eglandular hairs 0.5-1 mm long. Leaves 7.5-20.5 X 4.5-17.8 cm, ovate to subcordate, 7-nerved, base broadly rounded to shallowly cordate, apex gradually acuminate, the margin serrulate, moderately covered adaxially with soft spreading fine hairs mostly 1 mm long or less and a sparser admixture of coarser hairs 1-2 mm long, moderately velutinous abaxially. Inflorescences 6.5-12 cm long; flowers (6-)7-(8)-merous, sessile or on minute pedicels to 0.5 mm long, secund on the divaricate branchlets that lengthen with age, the persistent bracteoles 0.5-1 mm long. Hypanthium copiously beset with spreading glandular and eglandular hairs mostly 0.5 mm long and a caducous ground layer of minute glandlike hairs; the calyx lobes 0.5 mm long, rounded and ciliate but not totally concealed by the projecting, exterior teeth. Petals pink, glabrous, 2-2.5 X 1 mm. Filaments 2.5-3 mm long; anther sacs pale yellow, 1.5 mm long, the pore inclined ventrally. Ovary 6-7-celled, ca 2/3 inferior; berry 4-5(-7) mm in diameter, red but turning purple-black when ripe. Seeds ca 0.5 mm long. 2n=34.
Habitat: Secondary thickets, roadsides, and riverbanks in rain forest. 0-500 m. (Oaxaca and Veracruz, Mexico, Colombia MEXICO: Tabasco (Cowan 2684, CAS); Chiapas (Breedlove & Almeda 57815, CAS); BELIZE (Dwyer 15114, CAS); GUATEMALA (Contreras 7764, CAS); HONDURAS (MacDougal et al. 3372, CAS); NICARAGUA (Sandino 270, CAS); COSTA RICA (Almeda et al. 3330, CAS); PANAMA (Sytsma 1295, CAS).
Taxonomy and Systematics: Grayum et al. 3972 (CAS) from Rincon de Osa, Costa Rica will key to this species but it is unusual in having constantly 6-merous flowers and spreading cauline hairs (in part glandular) that are 0.5-2 mm long. Field study of Leandra on the Osa peninsula is needed to determine whether these characters represent an extreme variation or the result of hybridization with L. dichotoma. Leandra solenifera Cogn. of South America has 6-merous flowers but it typically has smaller leaves and shorter cauline pubescence like L. mexicana.
Notes: [Description based only on Mesoamerican specimens.]
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