Allantoma pluriflora S.A.Mori, Y.-Y.Huang & Prance

  • Family

    Lecythidaceae (Magnoliophyta)

  • Scientific Name

    Allantoma pluriflora S.A.Mori, Y.-Y.Huang & Prance

  • Primary Citation

    A phylogeny of Cariniana (Lecythidaceae) based on morphological and anatomical data.
    Brittonia 60: 69-81. 2008

  • Description

    Author: Scott A. Mori, Ghillean T. Prance & Nathan P. Smith

    Type: Brazil. Amazonas: Sao Paulo de Olivenqa, 10 Mar 1931 (fl), Ducke RB 23889 (holotype, RB; isotypes, G, K, P, S, U, US; photo, F, US).

    Description: Tree to 45.0 m tall, the young branches glabrous. Leaves: petioles 10.0-20.0 cm long, glabrous, winged, canaliculate; blades oblong to oblong-elliptic, 12.0-23.0 cm long, 4.5-9.0 cm broad, glabrous abaxially, the base subcuneate, slightly decurrent onto petiole, the margins crenulate, the apex abruptly acuminate, acumen 8.0-13.0 mm long, rounded, the midrib prominulous above, prominent and glabrous beneath, the primary veins in 22-40 pairs, without domatia at junction with midrib, prominent on both surfaces, 4.0-7.0(-9.0) mm apart at base. Inflorescences terminal and subterminal panicles to 30.0 cm long, the rachis and branches glabrous, smooth. Flowers sessile; calyx ca. 2.0 mm long, the lobes triangular, small, thick, glabrous on exterior; petals obovate, ca 7.0 mm long, very thick; androecium ca. 2.0 mm diam. at base, with ca. 14 stamens, the filaments reflexed; gynoecium with 3-locular ovary, the ovules 10 per locule, the style short. Fruits 12.0-13.0 cm long, ca. 3.5 cm wide at apex, the calycine ring 1.0 cm below apex, the pericarp thin at apex, smooth not toothed at line of opercular dehiscence; operculum unknown. Seeds unknown.

    Common names: None known.

    Distribution: This species occurs in western Amazonia (Bolvia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela).

    Ecology: Allantoma pluriflora is a large tree that grows in non-flooded forest and along rivers.

    Phenology: Flowers have been collected in Oct and Nov. Fruits have been collected in Jul and Nov.

    Pollination: No reports of pollination have been recorded.

    Dispersal: We are not able to determine if the seed wings of this species are well-developed or if they develop unilateral wings that would enable them to be wind dispersed.

    Predation: No observations recorded.

    Field characters: This species can be recognized by its large size; leaves that lack domatia on the undersurface and have crenate margins, percurrent venation, and 22-40 primary veins; inflorescences that are branched; flowers that are small with thick petals and ca. 14 reflexed stamens; and fruits that are 12-13 cm long with a distinct calycine ring.

    Taxonomic notes: When Flora Neotropica Monograph 21(1) was published (Prance & Mori, 1979) only one species was recognized in Allantoma, but Huang et al. (2008) demonstrated that some of the species of Cariniana were actually species of Allantoma and transferred them to Allantoma which now includes seven species.

    Conservation: IUCN Red List: Not on list.

    Uses: None known.

    Etymology: The name refers to the numerous flowers this species produces.

    Source: This species page is based on Prance and Mori, 1979.

  • Narratives

    SEM of a pollen grain of Allantoma pluriflora. Photo by J. Muller.