Allantoma decandra (Ducke) S.A.Mori, Y.-Y.Huang & Prance

  • Family

    Lecythidaceae (Magnoliophyta)

  • Scientific Name

    Allantoma decandra (Ducke) S.A.Mori, Y.-Y.Huang & Prance

  • Primary Citation

    A phylogeny of Cariniana (Lecythidaceae) based on morphological and anatomical data.
    Brittonia 60: 69-81. 2008

  • Basionym

    Cariniana decandra Ducke

  • Description

    Author: Scott A. Mori, Nathan P. Smith & G. T. Prance

    Type: Brazil, Para, Rio Tapajos, Bella Vista (fl), Ducke RB 324 (lectotype, RB); Brazil, Para, Rio Tapaj6s, Flechal (fr), (Ducke RB 17295> (syntype, RB).

    Description: Tree to 40.0 m tall. Stems: young branches glabrous, lenticellate. Leaves: petiole 10.0-25.0 mm long x 1-4 mm broad, glabrous, slightly winged towards lamina, lower portion not winged, plane or slightly canaliculate above; blades ovate to oblong-ovate, 6.0-12.0(-19) x 3.0-7.0(-8.5), glabrous abaxially, the base subcuneate, slightly decurrent onto petiole, the margins entire, often slightly undulate, the apex acuminate, the acumen 5.0-15.0 mm long; midrib prominent on both surfaces, glabrous, the secondary veins eucamptodromous, in 9-14 pairs, prominulous to plane above, prominent beneath, 3.0-11.0 mm apart at base, without domatia at junction with midrib. Inflorescences terminal and subterminal panicles to 12.0 cm long, the rachis and branches glabrous, not crustaceous. Flowers when leaves present, sessile; calyx ca. 2.0 mm long, campanulate, the lobes 5, oblong, acute, glabrous; petals 5, oblong, 4.0-5.0 mm long; staminal tube ca 1.5 mm in diameter at base, divided into ca. 11 inwardly reflexed stamens, the stamens arising from the top of the tube; ovary 3-locular, the ovules numerous per locule, the style very short. Fruits 11.0-13.0 x 3.0-3.5 cm at broadest point, distinctly costate longitudinally, broadest at calycine ring, the calycine ring very distinct, 7.0-15.0 mm below apex, the pericarp thin at apex (ca 1.5 mm thick), without teeth at line of opercular dehiscence; operculum triangular at apex, to ca 2.5 cm x 10.0 cm long, the columella triangular. Seeds rounded-triangular, to 2.5 cm long, the seed wings reaching 5.0-7.0 x 2.0 cm.

    Common names: Brazil: churú, tauarí (fide Prance in Prance & Mori, 1979).

    Distribution: Amazonian Brazil, Colombia, and Peru.

    Ecology: This species grows in non-flooded forest.

    Phenology: Flowers have been collected from Oct to Feb. Fruits have been collected in Feb, Mar to Jun and Nov.

    Pollination: No information recorded for any species of Allantoma; moreover, it is not known if species of this genus produce nectar or pollen as a pollinator reward--the staminal tube suggests that nectar is probably the reward.

    Dispersal: The unilaterally winged seeds of this species are wind dispersed.

    Predation: No observations recorded.

    Field characters: Allantoma decandra can be identified by its large size; leaves with percurrent tertiary venation; flowers with 5 calyx lobes and 5 petals, reflexed stamens, and 3-locular ovary; fruits that are distinctly costate; and seeds that are unilaterally winged.

    Taxonomic notes: The single seed of this terra firme species has a fleshy, solid embryo similar to what we have seen in the riverine Allantoma lineata. In contrast there are what appear to be two bowed fleshy cotyledons with an air space in the terra firme Allantoma integrifolia.

    Uses: No uses recorded.


    Conservation: IUCN Red List: Not on list (2012).

    Source: This species page is based on Prance in Prance & Mori, 1979.

    Acknowledgements: We are grateful to Y.-Y. Huang for allowing us to use her line drawing to illustrate the characters of this species.

  • Narratives

    SEM of a pollen grain of Allantoma decandra. Photo by J. Muller.

    Wood anatomy of Allantoma decandra. Crystal strands as seen in tangential section.

    Wood anatomy of Allantoma decandra.