Megalastrum littorale R.C.Moran, J.Prado & Labiak

  • Family

    Dryopteridaceae (Pteridophyta)

  • Scientific Name

    Megalastrum littorale R.C.Moran, J.Prado & Labiak

  • Primary Citation

    Amer. Fern J. 99: 22-23, Figs. 3C, 7D, 12P–W. 2009

  • Type Specimens

    Specimen 1: Isotype -- P. H. Labiak E. 4378

    Specimen 2: Isotype -- P. H. Labiak E. 4378

    Specimen 3: Isotype -- P. H. Labiak E. 4378

  • Description

    by: R.C. Moran, J. Prado, and P.H. Labiak

    Type: Brazil. Rio de Janeiro: Parati, Parque Nacional da Serra da Bocaina, floresta Atlântica, 23°12'03"S, 44°49'43"W, 800 m, 7 Jan 2008, Labiak et al. 4378 (holotype: UPCB; isotypes: NY, SP).

    Description: Leaves to 2 m long; scales of the petiole bases ca. 1 cm, lanceolate, sparsely denticulate but not retrorsely so, brown to dark brown, without blackish denticulate margins; laminae 1-2 m long, 3-pinnate-pinnatifid at base, 2-pinnate-pinnatisect medially; basal pinnae ca. 50 cm long, stalks to 5 cm long, strongly inequilateral, pinnules acroscopically reduced toward pinna bases; pinna rachises abaxially sparsely glandular, pubescent and sparsely scaly (sometimes apparently absent), glands ca. 0.1 mm long, hairs 1-2 mm long, 5-8-celled, scales ca. 1.5 mm, non-bullate, linear, subentire, adaxially apparently non-glandular, densely pubescent, hairs ca. 2 mm long, 7- or 8-celled; costules sparsely glandular abaxially, glands 0.1 mm long, pubescent abaxially, hairs 1-2 mm long, longer ones ca. 2 mm long, 5-8-celled, shorter ones ca. 1 mm long, 5- to 8-celled, sparsely scaly, scales to 1 mm long, uniseriate, appressed, brown; laminar tissue between veins abaxially glandular and pubescent, glands 0.1-0.2 mm long, 1- or 3-celled, capitate, whitish, abundant, hairs 1-2 mm long, 5- to 8-celled; adaxial surfaces densely pubescent, hairs 0.5-1 mm long, 4- to 6-celled, erect; veins visible and pubescent on both surfaces, hairs on abaxial surfaces 1-2 mm long, 5-8-celled, on adaxial surfaces hairs 0.5-1 mm long, 4-6-celled, glandular hairs sparse; lamina margins ciliate, hairs ca. 1-2 mm long, 5-8-celled, glandular hairs apparently absent; indusia absent.

    Distribution: SE Brazil (Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo); 0-800 m.

    Comments: Megalastrum littorale is distinctive by being densely pubescent throughout with whitish hairs ca. 2 mm long. Also distinctive are its stalked glands with one or two basal cells below the capitate apical cell. This species grows near the coast, thus the specific epithet littorale.

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