Physeterostemon fiaschii R.Goldenb. & Amorim

  • Family

    Melastomataceae (Magnoliophyta)

  • Scientific Name

    Physeterostemon fiaschii R.Goldenb. & Amorim

  • Type Specimens

    Specimen 1: Paratype -- A. M. Amorim 3415

    Specimen 2: Paratype -- A. M. Amorim 4816

    Specimen 3: Paratype -- A. M. Amorim 4515

    Specimen 4: Paratype -- J. G. Jardim 3001

  • Description

    Description Author and Date: Renato Goldenberg and André M. Amorim, based on Physeterostemon (Melastomataceae): a new genus and two new species from the Bahian Atlantic Forest, Brazil. Taxon 55 (4) 965-972. 2006

    Type: Brazil, Bahia, Mun. Uruçuca, Parque Estadual Serra do Condurú, “rodovia Ilhéus-Itacaré, entrada à esquerda, na rotatória de acesso à Uruçuca, ca. 9.5 km, ramal à esq.”, 14°29'S, 39°06'W, “subarbusto muito comum ao longo da trilha, ca. 1 m alt.; folhas fortemente discolores; inflorescência verde bem claro; flores com hipanto verde-claro, corola alva e estames amarelos; lacínios do cálice verde-claros, persistentes nos frutos jovens”, 23 Oct 2003 fl, P. Fiaschi, A. M. Amorim, S. Sant’Ana, J. L. Paixão & C. Espey 1737 (holotype, CEPEC; isotypes, ALCB, G, HUEFS, MBM, NY, RB, UPCB; Fig. 1).

    Description: Shrub 40–100 cm. Young stems terete, mostly glabrescent or sparse strigose to hispid, but strongly strigose at the nodes, trichomes 0.9–5.7 mm long, canescent to ochraceous. Leaves opposite, slightly to moderately anisophyllous in each pair, petiole 6–8 mm long, strigose to hispid, leaf blades 7.5–21 × 2.8–7.6 cm, elliptic to obovate or oblanceolate, base acute, apex acuminate to cuspidate, margins dentate to serrate, ciliate, 3-nerved with a faint additional submarginal pair, adaxially sparseshort-strigose, trichomes 0.6–1.2 mm long with minute glandular projections at the bases, abaxially with trichomes 1–3.1 mm long, with the same projections at the base, but more slender and dense than above, mainly on the nerves. Inflorescences fascicled, with single or double dichasia, when young 1.4–2 cm long, terminal, congested and concealed by ochraceous to yellowish trichomes ca. 5 mm long; becoming more slender, 2.4–2.8 cm long and pseudo-lateral (surpassed by a lateral branch) in fruit; dichasial bracts 4.1–6.7 × 2–4 mm, triangular to narrowly triangular, glabrous on the adaxial surface, sparsely setose on the abaxial surface, the trichomes frequently restricted to the marginal-distal region, margin dense ciliate-setose; bracteoles 3.1–5 ×1.2–3 mm, triangular, narrower than the bracts, glabrous adaxially, sparsely setose toward the margin abaxially,the margin densely ciliate-setose. Flowers 6-merous, on true pedicels 3.4–6.2 mm long (the larger measurements are from fruiting material). Hypanthium ca. 3.3 × 3.6 mm, campanulate, externally densely hispid, the trichomes 3–5 mm long, ochraceous to yellowish, inner surface glabrous like the torus. Calyx persistent, hispid abaxially, with sparse short glandular projections ca. 0.2

    Taxonomy and Systematics: Physeterostemon fiaschii has been found only on seasonally dry soil in shaded areas in moist forest in southern Bahia. It differs from P. jardimii by the characters listed in the key and also by the indument (present only on the branch nodes in this species, through out the whole branches in P. jardimii), inflorescence position (apical then lateral when fruiting in P. fiaschii, always apical in P. jardimii), leaf and flower size (usually larger in P. fiaschii). The dehiscence of the fruits is irregular in P. fiaschii and regular, longitudinal in P. jardimii. The new species is named after Pedro Fiaschi in recognition of his admirable knowledge of the Atlantic Forest of southern Bahia.

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