Syzygium Gaertn.

  • Family

    Myrtaceae (Magnoliophyta)

  • Scientific Name

    Syzygium Gaertn.

  • Description

    Author: Maria Lúcia Kawasaki

    Description: Inflorescences racemose in our flora, the bracteoles deciduous; hypanthium prolonged above ovary apex; calyx lobes 4, free, persistent; petals 4; ovary 2-locular, the ovules many per locule, the stigma punctiform. Fruits yellowish, pinkish, or reddish, crowned by the calyx lobes. Seeds usually 1 or 2, the seed coat membranous to chartaceous; embryo eugenioid, the cotyledons free.

    Diversity and distribution: Ca. 500 species in the Paleotropics, several species widely introduced to the Neotropics.

    Taxonomic notes: Syzygium differs from Eugenia mainly in its free vs fused cotyledons. This description was prepared for the Plants and Lichens of Saba project.

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