Austroboletus neotropicalis Singer, J.García & L.D.Gómez

  • Family

    Boletaceae (Basidiomycota)

  • Scientific Name

    Austroboletus neotropicalis Singer, J.García & L.D.Gómez

  • Primary Citation

    The Boletineae of Mexico and Central America III.
    Beih. Nova Hedwigia 102: 88. 1991

  • Description

    Diagnosis: Described as having an olive-colored pileus with an almost projecting sterile margin. White fleshed and with a bitter taste. Stipe is lacerate to alveolate-reticulate, white and often yellowish at the apex, with the reticulum sometimes with olive tones.

    Distribution: Reported from Mexico (Tamaulipas and Veracruz) and northern Costa Rica (Guanacaste). Appears to occur in southern Colombia.

    Commentary: According to Singer et al. (1991), A. neotropicalis is distinguishable from A. subvirens (E. Asia to NE Australia) and another "taxon" from Colombia (Halling, Mycotaxon 34: 1989) referred to as A. subvirens.

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