Poria isabellina Pat. ex Sacc.

  • Family

    Polyporaceae (Basidiomycota)

  • Scientific Name

    Poria isabellina Pat. ex Sacc.

  • Primary Citation

    Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr. 4: 138. 1888

  • Type Specimens

    Specimen 1: Type -- A. Gaillard 43

    Specimen 2: Type -- A. Gaillard 43

  • Homotypic Synonyms

    Perenniporia isabellina (Pat. ex Sacc.) Ryvarden

  • Description

    status of name: We are using Perenniporia isabellina (Pat. ex Sacc.) Ryvarden as the current name.

  • Sorry, no descriptions available for this record.