Cardamine impatiens L.

  • Family

    Brassicaceae (Magnoliophyta)

  • Scientific Name

    Cardamine impatiens L.

  • Common Names

    narrowleaf bittercress

  • Description


    Cardamine impatiens L.

    The species epithet most likely refers to the explosive release of the seeds when the fruits are touched.

    Narrowleaf bittercress

    An herbaceous annual or biennial, can grow to be 0.6 m (2 ft.) in height; stem is erect and glabrous; numerous leaves (6-20) that are membranaceous, basal leaves rosulate and pinnately divided, bearing 3-11 leaflets with rounded lobes, cauline leaves also pinnately divided, with sharply toothed or lacerate leaflets; leaves are sagittate-auriculate at their base (important diagonistic characteristic); White small flowers; slender siliques has 10-24 seeds in each of them.

    From Maine south to North Carolina and West to Kentucky. In New England area it has been reported in Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine.

    Grows in open sunny areas and at the edges of woodlots.

    Flower from May to August; fruit ripe from May to September

    Native to Eurasia and naturalized in at least North America and South Africa (Connolly, 2016),

    Invasive species

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