Chalciporus chontae Halling & M.Mata
Boletaceae (Basidiomycota)
Scientific Name
Chalciporus chontae Halling & M.Mata
Primary Citation
Three new boletes for Costa Rica
Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 89: 144. 2004 -
Type Specimens
Specimen 1: Isotype -- R. E. Halling 8175
Latin diagnosis: Differt inter species Chalcipori hymenophoro decurrenti, poris deposito radialiter; pileo claroflavo subviscoso; et contextu immutabili, brunneoroseo pallido.
Type: COSTA RICA. San José: Dota, La Chonta, S of Interamerican Highway toward Laguna/Cerro Chonta, 9°41'56''N, 83°56'31''W, 2400 m, 11 Jun 2001, Halling 8175 (Holotype: USJ; Isotype: NY).
Macroscopic description: Pileus 1-4 cm broad, convex to plano-convex, tacky to subviscid, sulphur yellow to lemon yellow when young, developing some pale brown tones in places with age, matted tomentose to subtomentose or matted subtomentose. Flesh pale brownish pink, unchanging, with pungent non-idiosyncratic odor, and peppery taste. Hymenophore coarsely tubulose, decurrent, brownish pink to pinkish brown, not changing when exposed; pores concolorous, unchanging, boletinoid (radially oriented). Stipe 1.5-4.5 cm long, 2-10 mm broad, terete to compressed, equal or usually curved, dry, pinkish brown above, bright lemon yellow below, subpruinose to finely subscabrous above, appressed fibrillose below, with bright sulphur yellow basal mycelium, with interior solid, bright yellow, unchanging. NH4- but brown on interior stipe flesh.
Microscopic description: Basidiospores 9-10.5 × 3.5-4.2 µm, (n = 20, x = 9.8 × 3.9 µm, Q = 2.55), smooth, moderately thick-walled (0.7 µm), yellowish brown in alkali, a minority dextrinoid in Melzers. Basidia 24-30 × 7-8 µm, clavate, 4-sterigmate, hyaline. Hymenophoral trama bilateral, hyaline, inamyloid; the lateral stratum becoming gelatinized in age, with hyphae 3.5-12 µm broad . Hymenial cystidia 46-71 × 7-10 µm, subcylindric to subventricose, thin-walled, with hyaline contents. Pileus tramal hyphae inamyloid, smooth and thin-walled. Pileipellis hyphae a suberect, tangled trichodermium, with elements 3.5-7 µm broad, hyaline, inamyloid, smooth, and thin-walled. Stipitipellis hyphae forming tufts of short caulocystidia, 10-20 µm long, with honey colored content. Clamp connections absent.
Distribution and Ecology: Cespitose on soil and humus in woodland of Quercus copeyensis C. H. Müll. and Q. rapurahuensis Pittier ex Trel.
Material examined: Costa Rica. San José: Dota, San Gerardo, ±5 km SW of Cerro de la Muerte, near Hotel de la Montaña, Savegre, 9º32'32"N, 83º48'27"W, 2200 m, 3 Jun 2003, Halling 8339 (NY, USJ), 20 Jun 2003, Halling 8400 (NY, USJ).
Commentary: Gómez (1996) reported C. austrorubinellus L. D. Gómez, C. piperatus (Bull.:Fr.) Bataille, and C. piperatoides (A. H. Sm. & Thiers) T. J. Baroni & Both from Costa Rica. All these taxa have reddish brown pilei. In that paper, Gómez noted that C. austrorubinellus had a bit of yellow color at the pileus margin, and the pale yellow context turned blue. In contrast, C. chontae has a bright yellow pileus that only erratically develops some pale brown tones, the context is pale brownish pink, and is immutable. Furthermore, C. chontae has a boletinoid and decurrent hymenophore.
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