Rumex hesperius Greene

  • Family

    Polygonaceae (Magnoliophyta)

  • Scientific Name

    Rumex hesperius Greene

  • Primary Citation

    Pittonia 4: 34. 1901

  • Type Specimens

    Specimen 1: Isotype -- W. N. Suksdorf 2259, verif. J. L. Reveal, 2010

    Specimen 2: Isotype -- W. N. Suksdorf 2259, verif. J. L. Reveal, 2010

    Specimen 3: Isotype -- W. N. Suksdorf 2259, verif. F. Lomer, 2019

    Remarks: This specimen cannot function as a type. The fruit in the packet cannot be from Rumex hesperius and the branch alone cannot be used to identify it to species.

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