Casimiroa watsonii Engl.

  • Family

    Rutaceae (Magnoliophyta)

  • Scientific Name

    Casimiroa watsonii Engl.

  • Primary Citation

    Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3: 178. 1896

  • Type Specimens

    Specimen 1: Isotype -- C. G. Pringle 3861

    Remarks: "Engler's types at B were mostly destroyed, so it is possible that this name requires lectotypification from among the numerous isotypes."

    Specimen 2: Isotype -- C. G. Pringle 3861

    Remarks: "Engler's types at B were mostly destroyed, so it is possible that this name requires lectotypification from among the numerous isotypes."

  • Sorry, no descriptions available for this record.