Miconia stenostachya DC.

  • Family

    Melastomataceae (Magnoliophyta)

  • Scientific Name

    Miconia stenostachya DC.

  • Description

    Description Author and Date: Frank Almeda, based on Almeda, F. (2009). Melastomataceae. In: G. Davidse, M. Sousa-Sânchez, S. Knapp, & F. Chiang (eds.), Flora Mesoamericana: Cucurbitaceae a Polemoniaceae. 4(1): 164-338.

    Type: Holotype: Brazil, Martius s.n. (M).

    Description: Shrubs or small trees 0.5-3(-6) m tall, the branchlets, abaxial leaf surfaces, inflorescences, and hypanthia covered with an appressed arachnoid tomentum. Leaves 5-nerved, elliptic-oblong to ovate-oblong, (6-)8-18 X 3-8.5 cm, adaxially glabrous, nitid and coriaceous, apex acute but sometimes rounded, base rounded, the margin entire to inconspicuously crenulate; petioles 1-4.5 cm long. Inflorescence 4-15 cm long; flowers 5-merous, sessile and secund on the divaricate branches, the persistent bracteoles triangular, 1 X 1 mm. Calyx tube ca. 0.5 mm long, the lobes broadly deltoid, 0.5 mm long, exterior teeth completely adnate to and not projecting beyond the lobes. Petals oblong to obovate-oblong, granulose and glandular-ciliolate, 3.5-4 X 2-2.5 mm. Anthers somewhat anisomorphic, linear-oblong to subulate, 3.5-4 mm long, yellow, the larger with a ventrally inclined pore and the smaller with a dorsally inclined pore; connective not prolonged but dilated basally into a bluntly trilobed appendage encircling the filament. Style sparsely glandular-puberulent basally, 7-8 mm long; stigma clavellate; ovary 3-locular, 1/2 inferior, apex minutely granulose; berry 4-5 X 4-6 mm, purple at maturity. Seeds deltoid, smooth, polished, the convex face rounded to angulate, 1 mm long.

    Habitat and Distribution: Local and uncommon, mangrove forest, savannas, and stream margins. 0-500 m. Southern Mexico (Oaxaca and Veracruz), Trinidad, Guyana and Surinam, Venezuela and Colombia south to Bolivia and S Brazil. MEXICO: Tabasco (Magaña & Zamudio 137, CAS); Chiapas (Breedlove & Almeda 57792, CAS); BELIZE (Davidse & Brant 32448, CAS); GUATEMALA (Contreras 2228, CAS); HONDURAS (Saunders 650, CAS); NICARAGUA (Robbins 5678, CAS); COSTA RICA (Almeda & Nakai 4069, CAS); PANAMA (Carcamo 268, CAS).

    Notes: [Description based only on Mesoamerican specimens.]

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