Boletus L.

  • Family

    Boletaceae (Basidiomycota)

  • Scientific Name

    Boletus L.

  • Primary Citation

    Sp. Pl.
    2: 1176. 1753

  • Description

    Diagnosis: Pileus dry to subviscid, glabrous to tomentose to fibrillose, microscopically a trichodermium or ixotrichodermium. Context white, not changing. Hymenophore adnexed to adnate, white to yellow to greenish yellow, not changing with pores occluded ("stuffed") when young, concolorous or sometimes red to brownish red in aged specimens. Stipe dry, glabrous to subpruinose to reticulate or sometimes nearly alveolate, with basal mycelium white. Spore deposit olive brown. Spores smooth, fusoid. Hymenial cystidia present. Clamp connections absent.

    Registration number: MB #17174

    Type species: Boletus edulis Bull.:Fr. (typ. cons.), Syst. Mycol. 1: 385. 1821.

    Ectomycorrhiza: Pinaceae, Fagaceae, Betulaceae, Dipterocarpacae(?), Myrtaceae, Casuarinaceae, caesalpinoid legumes(?). Possibly other families less commonly.

    Distribution: Mostly temperate northern hemisphere, a few in paleo- neotropics. One sequestate in New Zealand (B. semigastroideus); one in northern Queensland (B. austroedulis). Boletus edulis sometimes appearing with exotic Pinaceae.

    Note: This genus remains after all others have been separated based on molecular phylogenetic analyses or other idiosyncratic features. Monophyly inferred from molecular phylogenetics suggests restriction to the ‘porcini’ clade (i.e., Boletus edulis etc.). Also included here are some sequestrate species (B. subalpinus, B. semigastroideus).

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