Boletinellus Murrill
Diagnosis: Pileus dry, usually glabrous but sometimes finely tomentose to matted tomentose, soft textured, microscopically a repent entangled interwoven layer. Context pale yellowish, rarely cyanescent. Hymenophore tubulose, quite decurrent and with a radial boletinoid orientation, occasionally sublamellate, dull yellow, slowly cyanescent then brownish. Stipe lateral or eccentric, very rarely nearly central, dry, mostly glabrous. Sclerotia present. Spores olive brown in deposit, ovoid to nearly globose, smooth. Hymenial cystidia inconspicuous, often absent on the pores. Clamp connections present.
Registration number: MB #17167
Ectomycorrhiza: Not ectomycorrhizal. The type of the genus, B. merulioides is widespread in eastern North America where it is associated with root aphids on Fraxinus, but is not mycorrhizal.
Distribution: Eastern North America (with Fraxinus). There is a well-documented report of its occurrence in Kyushu, Japan. Also, quite possibly in Queensland, Australia.
Number of species: At least one, B. merulioides but quite possibly more (one sp. prov. in Queensland).
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