Boletellus dissiliens (Corner) Pegler & T.W.K.Young

  • Family

    Boletaceae (Basidiomycota)

  • Scientific Name

    Boletellus dissiliens (Corner) Pegler & T.W.K.Young

  • Primary Citation

    Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 76: 113. 1981

  • Basionym

    Boletus dissiliens Corner

  • Description

    Diagnosis: Pileus tan to pinkish tan, coarsely tomentose to appressed felty, developing large coarse appressed scales, sometimes scales short-erect with marginal veil covering hymenophore at first. Flesh yellow, immediately cyanescent. Tubes yellow then reddish brown, cyanescent. Stipe hard, smooth or appressed fibrillose striate, whitish, white at base, rufescent, with flesh white and brunnescent (brownish pink). Spores costate with cross-striae.

    Registration number: MB112138

    Distribution: Singapore, Queensland (Atherton, Cooloola, Fraser Island, near Scenic Rim); New South Wales.

    Type: Singapore, Reservoir Jungle, 26 March 1931. Leg: E.J.H. Corner (K).

    Illustrations: Original color aquarelles in Corner (1972).

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