Oreanthes ecuadorensis Luteyn

  • Family

    Ericaceae (Magnoliophyta)

  • Scientific Name

    Oreanthes ecuadorensis Luteyn

  • Primary Citation

    Brittonia 29(2): 175. 1977

  • Description

    Description: Epiphyte; stem terete to subterete, smooth, puberulent, 3-4 mm diam., brown or reddish-brown when dry; twigs subterete, coarsely angled, densely short-pilose with tan or reddish hairs; bark exfoliating into thin, rectangular strips. Leaves coriaceous, probably succulent when fresh, ovate, 1.5-3 x 0.8-1.5 cm, base rounded, apex acute or obtuse, margin not especially thickened when dry, nitid beneath, glabrous on both surfaces but with scattered glandular fimbriae beneath; 5-plinerved from the base, midrib, lateral nerves and reticulate veinlets all slightly raised on both surfaces; petiole terete, rugose, 1-2 mm long and ca. 1 mm diam., puberulent, glabrate. Inflorescence axillary, the flowers solitary or apparently up to 3 in a fascicle; rachis none; floral bract linear-subulate, less than 1 mm long, marginally glandular-fimbriate; pedicel terete, striate, 15-18 mm long, pilose with white hairs to 1.5 mm long; bracteoles nearly basal, subopposite, similar to floral bract. Flowers with calyx ca. 5-6 mm long, densely pilose with white hairs; hypanthium obconic to hemispheric, possibly bluntly 5-angled, 1-3.5 mm long and 1.5-3 mm diam.; limb erect or spreading, dissected nearly to base, 2.5-3 mm long; lobes linear-subulate, 2-2.5 mm long; sinuses obtuse; corolla cylindric, ca. 26 mm long and 3 mm diam., short-pilose, red (fide label data), the lobes spreading at anthesis, ovate-lanceolate, ca. 3.5 mm long; stamen 25-26 mm long; filaments distinct, 5-5.5 mm long, glabrous; anthers 21-22 mm long; thecae smooth, 3-3.5 mm long; tubules 18-18.5 mm long, the tips acute with obliquely terminal, non-flaring pores; style terete, ca. 27 mm long; nectariferous disc annular, not elevated, inconspicuous, glabrous. Berry not seen.

    Distribution: Endemic to Ecuador and known only from the type collection from 2000 m altitude. Rare and endangered.

    Type: Ecuador. Bolívar: Cordillera Occidental, Balsapamba to Milagro road, 2000 m, 4 Oct 1943 (fl), Acosta-Solís 6170 (holotype: F, photo NY neg. 9427).

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