Macleania penduliflora Luteyn

  • Family

    Ericaceae (Magnoliophyta)

  • Scientific Name

    Macleania penduliflora Luteyn

  • Primary Citation

    Brittonia 37: 179. 1985

  • Type Specimens

    Specimen 1: Holotype -- J. P. Folsom 10622

    Specimen 2: Holotype -- J. P. Folsom 10622

  • Description

    Description: Epiphyte. Mature stems terete, striate, glabrous, drying brownish. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic, 10-16 x 3.5-6 cm, basally obtuse to broadly cuneate, apically short-acuminate, marginally revolute in the proximal 1/4 to 1/3, glabrous above but densely hirsute beneath with ferrugineous trichomes to 1.2 mm long; 5(-7)-plinerved, the midrib raised in the proximal 1-2 cm but impressed distally above and conspicuously raised beneath, the inner nerves arising from 1-2 cm above the base and continuing to the apex, all lateral nerves impressed above and conspicuously raised beneath, reticulate veinlets impressed above and raised but inconspicuous beneath; petiole subterete, rugose, stout, 4-7 mm long and 3-4 mm diam, hirsute. Inflorescence 9-16-flowered, ramiflorous, long-pedunculate, short-racemose to corymbiform, the peduncle 10-11.5 cm long, verrucose, hirsute, provided with few scattered lanceolate bracts ca. 1.5 mm long along its length; rachis stout, ca. 0.8 cm long; floral bracts persistent, broadly ovate, ca. 1 mm long; pedicels subterete, bluntly angled, expanding distally, verrucose, glabrous, 15-18 mm long; bracteoles near the middle, ovate, 0.8 mm long; calyx articulate with the pedicel, slightly stipitate, bluntly 5-winged, the wings auricled at the base, glabrous, ca. 3.5-4 mm long; hypanthium ca. 1.8 mm long; limb 1.5-2.2 mm long; lobes ovate, acuminate, ca. 1.3 mm long their margins seemingly glandular; corolla cylindric but bluntly 5-angled, slightly curved distally, glabrous except the lobes which are sparsely hirsute, ca. 22 mm long, the lobes deltate, ca. 1.8 mm long; stamens ca. 9.2 mm long; filaments distinct, 3 mm long, sparsely pilose distally seemingly on alternate filaments; anthers 7 mm long including the tubules; thecae 3.5-4 mm long; tubules separate to the base, dehiscing by clefts 1.5-2 mm long. Fruit not seen.

    Distribution: Endemic to Colombia, and known only from five collections. Rare and endangered.

    Type: Colombia. Antioquia: Along Río Penderisco, 3 hours walk down river from Sereno near clearing called La Clara, 1200-1300 m, 12 Nov 1982 (fl), Folsom 10622 (holotype, NY (2 sheets); isotype, TEX, n.v.).

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