Lyonia latifolia var. calycosa (Small) Judd

  • Family

    Ericaceae (Magnoliophyta)

  • Scientific Name

    Lyonia latifolia var. calycosa (Small) Judd

  • Primary Citation

    J. Arnold Arbor. 62: 396. 1981

  • Basionym

    Xolisma calycosa Small

  • Description

    Description: Leaf blades elliptic to ovate or obovate, 3.5-7(-9.5) cm long; base narrowly to broadly cuneate (rounded), sometimes decurrent; adaxial surface with midvein not depressed, 2o veins usually not depressed; abaxial surface with 3o and higher order veins ± flat or nearly so and obscure to slightly and laxly reticulate; petiole (7-)8-20 mm long, pubescent adaxially or all around. Pedicels 4-10 mm long. Flowers with calyx lobes (2.5-)3.5-6(-6.5) mm long.

    Distribution: Endemic to Cuba (Prov. Oriente, Sierra Maestra from Loma del Gato east to Gran Piedra range and Alto de Iberia, Sierra de Cristal, Sierra de Pural, and Sierra de Imías), in moist montane forests ("fangales"), thickets, and pinelands, at ca. 650-1250 m elev. Flowering chiefly March and April.

    Type: Cuba. Oriente: between Firmeza and Gran Piedra, 4, 5 Mar 1911, Shafer 8997 (holotype, NY; isotypes, F, NY, US).

    Illustration: Judd (1995), figs. 25-26.

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