Cavendishia parviflora Luteyn

  • Family

    Ericaceae (Magnoliophyta)

  • Scientific Name

    Cavendishia parviflora Luteyn

  • Primary Citation

    Fl. Ecuador 54: 103. 1996

  • Type Specimens

    Specimen 1: Holotype -- J. L. Luteyn 14726, verif. J. L. Luteyn, 1995

  • Description

    Description: Terrestrial or epiphytic shrub to 2 m tall; stem terete, striate, glabrous, sometimes glaucous; twigs subterete, striate, minutely puberulent. Leaves coriaceous, somewhat bullate, elliptic to ovate-elliptic, (2.7-)4.5-8 x 1.2-2.5 cm, base obtuse to rounded or broadly cuneate and somewhat attenuate, apex bluntly acuminate, margin slightly to moderately revolute, glabrous on both surfaces but deciduously glandular-fimbriate beneath with the bases of the fimbriae becoming black (fungal infection?) and appearing punctate; 3(-5)-plinerved from the base, midrib strongly impressed above and raised beneath, lateral nerves either impressed or slightly raised in a sulcus above and prominently raised beneath, reticulate veinlets raised and conspicuous above, raised but inconspicuous beneath; petiole subterete, flattened above, rugose, 2-4.5 mm long, glabrous or minutely puberulent. Inflorescence solitary, racemose, 3-7-flowered, surrounded at base by a series of persistent, ovate to elliptic bracts to 4 mm long; rachis subterete, angled or ribbed, 1.5-2 cm long, glabrous; floral bract caducous, elliptic, rounded, 3-4 x ca. 2 mm, pale green, glabrous; pedicel terete, ribbed, 6-7 mm long, glabrous but with scattered glandular fimbriae; bracteoles located near base, ovate, obtuse, ca. 0.5 mm long, marginally glandular-fimbriate. Flower with calyx 4-4.5 mm long, glabrous; hypanthium campanulate, rugose, 1-1.5 mm long, the base rounded; limb erect-spreading, 2-2.5 mm long; lobes narrowly triangular, acuminate, 1-1.3 mm long, marginally glandular-fimbriate, connivent after anthesis; sinuses rounded; corolla cylindric, terete, ca. 9 mm long and 3 mm diam., glabrous, pale maroon, the lobes deltate, acute, ca. 1 mm long; stamen 6 (only one flower available), ca. 8 mm long; filaments alternately ca. 3 mm and 1.6 mm long, weakly pilose; anthers alternately ca. 6 mm and 7 mm long; thecae alternately ca. 1.6 mm and 2 mm long; tubules alternately ca. 4.4 mm and 5 mm long; style about equalling the corolla, glabrous. Mature berry not seen, but at least spherical, 7 mm diam., dark purple.

    Distribution: Endemic to Ecuador and known from only two collections; shrub thicket along stream, disturbed premontane forest, at 1220-1350 m altitude.

    Conservation Status: Rare and endangered.

    Type: Ecuador. Esmeraldas: Cantón Lorenzo, Lita-El Cristal road, finca of Dr. Lalama, 13.5 km S of Lita, 1220-1350 m, 2 Nov 1992 (fl), Luteyn et al. 14726 (holotype: NY; isotype: QCA).

  • Floras and Monographs

    Cavendishia parviflora Luteyn: [Article] 1996. Fl. Ecuador. 54: 103.