Cavendishia caudata A.C.Sm.

  • Family

    Ericaceae (Magnoliophyta)

  • Scientific Name

    Cavendishia caudata A.C.Sm.

  • Primary Citation

    Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 28: 496. 1932

  • Type Specimens

    Specimen 1: Holotype -- F. W. Pennell 4441

  • Description

    Description: Shrub to 2 m tall; branchlets subterete, striate, moderately puberulous. Leaves elliptic-ovate to lance-elliptic, 10-12.5 x 3-4 cm, basally rounded or broadly cuneate, apically long-acuminate with acumen 2-3 cm long, apex itself acute, weakly puberulous along the midrib above, but glabrous beneath; 5-plinerved from near base, midrib impressed above and raised beneath, lateral nerves impressed proximally otherwise plane to slightly raised above and raised beneath, reticulate veinlets slightly raised on both surfaces; petiole terete, 2-4 mm long and ca. 0.7 mm in diam., puberulous. Inflorescence ca. 10-flowered; rachis subterete, bluntly angled, glabrous, 2.5 cm long and 1.8 mm in diam., lowest few nodes sterile and these nodal bracts caducous; floral bracts papyraceous, subpersistent, striate, the venation prominent, somewhat involute and clasping flowers, oblong-elliptic, 8-12 x 10 mm, glabrous, marginally glandular-fimbriate; pedicels subterete, 2-2.5 mm long, glandular-fimbriate; bracteoles located at the middle of pedicel, similar to floral bracts but 8-9 x 4 mm. Flowers: calyx glabrous, 5-5.5 mm long, conspicuously glandular-fimbriate; hypanthium campanulate, 1.5-2 mm long; limb erecto-patent, 3-4 mm long; lobes ovate, 1.5 mm long, marginally lacerate-glandular and thinner than lamina; sinuses acute; corolla subcylindric (immature ?), glabrous, 7-10 mm long and 3-4 mm diam., white (fide label data); stamens 5-6 mm long; filaments pilose ventrally and ciliate distally, alternately 1.5-1.7 mm and 2.3-3 mm long; anthers alternately ca. 4.3 mm and 3-3.5 mm long; thecae 1.5-2 mm long; style seemingly slightly shorter than corolla. Berrry not seen.

    Distribution: Endemic to Antioquia Dept., Colombia, where it occurs in forest or open humid forest, at elevations of 1700-2000 m.

    Conservation Status: Rare and endangered.

    Type: Colombia. Antioquia (formerly Bolívar): Antizales, 1700-2000 m, 25-26 Feb 1918 (bud), Pennell 4441 (holotype, NY, photo NY neg. 9688).

  • Floras and Monographs

    Cavendishia caudata A.C.Sm.: [Article] Luteyn, James L. 1983. Ericaceae--part I. Cavendishia. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 35: 1-290.