Agarista revoluta (Spreng.) Hook.f. ex Nied. var. revoluta
Ericaceae (Magnoliophyta)
Scientific Name
Agarista revoluta (Spreng.) Hook.f. ex Nied. var. revoluta
Description: Twigs sparsely to densely pubescent. Leaves with adaxial surface sparsely pubescent on basal portion of midvein; abaxial surface sparsely pubescent on midvein, especially basal portion, otherwise glabrous. Flowers with pedicels 3-8.5 mm long, sparsely to densely pubescent; calyx lobes with abaxial surface sparsely to densely pubescent; corolla glabrous or with very few unicellular hairs near apex; ovary very sparsely to sparsely pubescent
Distribution: Endemic to SE Brazil, along coast from S Bahia south to Rio de Janiero, in coastal scrub on wet to dry sand (sometimes intermixed with sedge meadows), sand dunes, near sea level (inland to 1000 m alt.). Flowering July through October.
Illustration: Judd (1995), fig. 3.
Type: Brazil. Rio de Janeiro: Restinga de Cabo Frio, Sellow s.n. (holotype, B destroyed; lectotype, designated by Judd (1995), B; isolectotypes, BM, BR, n.v., E, G, n.v., K, L, M, P, W, n.v.; photos of G-isolectotype, F, GH).
Floras and Monographs
Agarista revoluta (Spreng.) Hook.f. ex Nied. var. revoluta: [Article] Luteyn, James L., et al. 1995. Ericaceae, Part II. The Superior-Ovaried Genera (Monotropoideae, Pyroloideae, Rhododendroideae, and Vaccinioideae P.P.). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 66: 560.