Campyloneurum angustifolium (Sw.) Fée

  • Filed As

    Campyloneurum angustifolium (Sw.) Fée

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 01415586

    Occurrence ID: 6c5a820d-bc43-4d15-977f-6c7db7fc337d

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The New Yoke botanical Garden
onrush f*l¡it* A**!Ar«
Robbiu C. Moran, 2015 (NY)
The New York Botanical Garden
Universidade Federal do Acre
Plants of Acre, Brazil
Brazil, ¿tane. Bujari. Riozinbo do Andirà.
9°43T7MS, 68°7’44"W
Floresta Primària de Varzea.
Epifita; Soros maduros ferrugem.
27-28 Jan 2007
F. A. Obermiiller, E.C. Oliveira, I. Mol, I. Monteiro, R. Melo
Field work supported by the Beneficia Foundation