Besleria formosa C.V.Morton

Plants of Colombia
Besleria formosa C. V. Morton
Colombia. Dept: Antioquia. Municipio: Jardín. Vereda: La Mesenia.
Reserva Natural Mesenia-Paramillo (Fundación Colibrí). Cordillera
Occidental. Sendero Transylvania, from Río San Juan to Cuchilla
Paramillo. Elevation: 2200-2800 m. 5°29'18"N 75°54'20"W. Cloud
forest. Multibranched terrestrial shrub, 1.5 m tall. Calyx light green and
tightly appressed to corolla. Corolla bright orange and tubular.
Photographs of this collection are with John L. Clark (UNA).
J.L. Clark 12930	17 May 2012
With: J. Anderson, L. Clavijo & U. Rendón
Herbarium of the University of Alabama (UNA)