Rhododendron chaetomallum Balf.f. & Forrest

  • Filed As

    Rhododendron chaetomallum Balf.f. & Forrest

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4369594

    Occurrence ID: c48d457a-144f-4caa-b883-54535f377be7

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Expédition of the University ôf California Botanieal Cardon to Southwestern China.
Plants of Ynnnan
Rhododendron chaetoroaiinm Self, f, et
 ........................  Format
ihrub 6-8 feet,
Hpîne rerrions «hove fit forent,
along ollffs and crains.
Altitude 14,500 f«e%,
Fuchuan range, west of the Mekong-Salwin divide and west of Wetihsi.
Joseph F. Bock, Ho. 8S71 S. •	May-J^l932