Vaccinium vulcanorum Kom.

International Sakhalin Island Project 2001
Vaccinium vulcanorum Kom.	[Ericaceae]
Det. by Valentín Yakubov, Mar 2011. Fide: Pl. Vasc. Orientis
Extremi Sovietici
Russian Federation, Sakhalin Region:
East/central Sakhalin; Longri River basin. 16-76m/54-250ft
54° 16.818'N, 142° 48.664'E
Southwest facing slope running from low boggy /meadow to *
exposed hilltop (200+ feet?); scree-covered slope; exposed patches
with lichen/herb mat at bottom, exposed scree at top; Pinus/LariX
scattered and in patches.
Dusty blue berries; very crisp foliage with a hint of blue/gray;
lower half of slope in lichen/herb mat. New species for Sakhalin.
Kari Stiles, 2001-289
15 Aug 2001
[WTU Database #186693]